You can join us by sending us a check or by credit card using the form below. If paying my check or money order, remit to...

The Baseball Reliquary, P. O. Box 9065, Whittier, CA 90608

Memberships in the Baseball Reliquary (501c3) are tax deductible

Baseball Diamond

Your Information

Contact Name(Required)
Billing Address (must match credit card billing address)

Annual Membership Levels

Price: $100.00
All privileges of Double Membership plus musical CD The National Pastime by Ross Altman
Price: $50.00
All privileges of Single Membership plus a Baseball Reliquary T-shirt in black or gray (specify M, L, XL, XXL)
Price: $25.00
Includes e-mail announcements and notifications of all programs, and full voting privileges for the Shrine of the Eternals
Price: $500.00
Lifetime Membership plus all privileges of Triple membership and a CD of the jazz suite Stealin’ Home, by Bobby Bradford, composer/performer

If Double or Triple Membership, choose your shirt sizes below....
Credit Card
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.